DAHUNSI AYOMIKUN NIFEMI (OD) Images courtesy of Dr Xiaoxuan Liu and Dr Aditya Kale, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. We’ve witnessed an advancement in leaps and bounds over the last years In Optometry practice. There have constantly been technological advancements to our toolkit to help us diagnose and improve our clinical investigations as a clinician. A tonometer is a vital instrument that measures the pressure inside of your eye. Knowing the intraocular pressure and how it changes with time, helps us monitor your eye health in special conditions like glaucoma, Fuchs’ dystrophy, post-LASIK, corneal edema, refractive surgery, keratoconus, and irregular or thin corneas. Pachymetry has become a standard ancillary test in the complete eye examination for patients at risk of having glaucoma. The first widespread use of this test was as a late addition to the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS) after it had been observed that patients with thicker co...