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A Glimpse on Macula Degeneration

Written By Jimoh Huzamat Adejoke.

  Geriatrics refers to the medical care and health dealings of old people. It is a branch of medicine that focuses on health promotion, prevention, treatment of diseases and disabilities in later life. Macula is a sensitive part of the eye where vision takes place and it is located in the retina. It handles the most specific part of the images directly in front of you.  

Macular Degeneration occurs when there is deterioration of the central portion of the Retina, this causes reduction in central vision and relatively on the peripheral vision. It is one of the  leading causes of vision loss and aging is the biggest risk factor.

Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)  is the most common cause of severe and irreversible vision loss in elderly people. It is estimated that 20 to 25 million people suffer from ARMD worldwide, of which 8 million people experience blindness. It is currently considered as an incurable disease but it can be prevented  and the progress can be slowed down in order  to avoid severe loss of vision.

  Nutrition elements that help to slow down AMRD include:

- Antioxidants. Vitamin A, C and E mostly found in fruits and vegetables. It is believed that antioxidants  act on free radicals which usually cause damage to the retina.

Also, antioxidants like zeaxanthin and lutein (Carotenoids) are among the most essential nutritional elements that help in slowing down ARMD. Zeaxanthin and lutein.

- Omega-3 fatty acids. Most  important Omega-3s are EPA and DHA which are mainly found in fatty fish and AHA which is found in nuts and seeds.

- Zinc and Copper. These trace minerals contribute to eye health. Zinc activates many enzymes and plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids. Dietary sources of zinc include meat, poultry, fish, whole grains, and dairy products . For many years now, zinc has been used as a component in ocular nutritional supplements. Zinc causes a reduction in copper level which is why it is best to be taken together.


Shrikant Deshpande, Journal of medical nutrition and nutraceuticals,2012.Issue 2[P 83-86].

Weiner. The Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989.


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